Complementary Therapies

We provide various complementary therapies and Energetic screening sessions to re-balance your mind and body.   

Qest4 Bioenergetic/Bioresonance
Health Screening- Non invasive
Quantum Enhanced Solution: 4th Generation

The original concept for interfacing Resonance Analysis
technology with the human body was brought about by Dr
Reinhold Voll in the early 1950’s (EAV). The amount of current
that passes through the cellular structure of the organ, gland or
system reveals the functional status of the tissues. Because the
assessment is based on defined parameters of health, any
deviation from this standard can be readily detected. This allows
us to see a true picture of how your body is energetically

functioning. Once we have identified the problem areas, we pre-
screen potential therapeutic options. We send representative

electromagnetic signatures of remedies to the body and
measure its response. According to Dr Reinhold Voll MD MSc
“This allows us to monitor how you respond energetically to a
remedy before it is given”
The QEST4 analyses the impedance and reactive capacitance
of the body’s energetic fields. The underlying mathematical
formulas were originally applied by Dr Tiller PhD, a material
scientist with Stanford University and have been adapted
specifically to this system. According to homotoxicology
research by Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg MD, disease processes
first alter the body’s energetic field and if left unchecked,
eventually lead to chemical changes and then finally to tissue
destruction and/or disease.
The majority of people in any general practice suffer from
functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional
disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage

can be identified by conventional lab work or other pathological
diagnostics, yet people still experience a myriad of symptoms.
Functional medicine helps detect and identify these energetic
and regulatory disturbances. Functional disturbances can be
detected early. Disease does not begin with pathology but with
a pre-clinical phase. Functional disturbances occur when a
living organism can no longer compensate adequately for
changes in the environment. Environmental changes include
both internal conditions of the body and external circumstances.
Ideally, it would make good sense to assess a person using
functional evaluation methods and imprinting applications.
Functional medicine is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic
and therapeutic gaps. Backed by over 40 years of research, this
technology clearly continues to deliver life-changing results.
Economically, considerable time and substantial amount of
money could be saved simply by taking advantage of the
benefits of this powerful technology in the emerging field of
functional medicine.
Re-establishing balance to the energetic pathways - that run
through all organs, glands and tissues - may hold the key to
restoring and maintaining optimum health. This approach is not
looking for any particular disease state and therefore no claims
of diagnosis or treatment can be made.
QEST4 contains tens of thousands specific
signatures/frequencies in the hard drive of the computer. These
signatures/frequencies can be transmitted into you via the
QEST4 for the purpose of evaluation. The specific
signatures/frequencies that your body finds of value can then be
Imprinted into a carrier solution. When you place drops of the
imprinted solution under your tongue, the specific
signatures/frequencies enter your body, distribute through your
energetic nervous system and stimulate your cells to respond.
Homeopathy is based on ‘like cures like’ or something in
chemical form will cause ‘x,y,z’ symptoms while the energetic
pattern will stimulate the body to counteract or balance those

same ‘x,y,z’ symptoms. A common example is mercury – in the
chemical form it has an affinity to lodge in the central and
peripheral nerve tissues causing numerous symptoms. In the
energetic form, it stimulates the body to remove the mercury
thus eliminating those same symptoms. Another example is
China Officinalis (Peruvian bark) if ingested in the chemical form
it creates all the symptoms of malaria. In the energetic form, it
stimulates the body to counteract or correct those same
symptoms and adhere to an optimised blue-print or pattern.
Re-Establishing Balance to the Energetic Pathways (that run through specific organs, glands and tissues). May hold the key to restoring and maintaining optimum health. This approach is not looking for any particular disease state and therefore no claim of diagnosis can be made. 
Registered Nutritionist
Pain Relief- Scenar 
For enquiries Phone 01278 783866 or Email